Step by step, he’s making a difference
April 8, 2024Bwoga Elementary Library Opens in Western Uganda: A Fountain of Hope for the Bwoga Community
May 17, 2024Executive Summary
The BEL Initiative continues to grow, creating opportunities for the Bwoga community.
Thank you so much for your support. Indeed, through your generosity, many Bwoga kids
will continue to have access to books and other educational resources.
Library Operations: The library was officially opened in December 2023. [If you missed
the news article about the library opening, I have attached a copy to this report]. Currently,
we are working on stocking the library with books, furniture and computers. The library
continues to host the BEL Holiday Reading Program for primary (elementary & middle)
school kids. In addition to the reading program, the library is running a basic computer
training program for high school students, and a weaving-skills training for a group of
Bwoga women.